About Safranbolu·
How to Go Safranbolu·
Safranbolu How to get there·
safranbolu travel·
safranbolu trip·
Where Safranbolu
How to Go Safranbolu?
When coming from Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir you will need to go via Gerede, and when coming from other regions the Zonguldak-Yenice-Safranbolu, Bartın-Ulus-Safranbolu, Kastamonu-Araç-Safranbolu and Çankırı-Çerkeş-Safranbolu roads are used.
Aside from private vehicles and tours large bus transportation companies also have services to Safranbolu. Although in time there may be some changes the companies that currently provide services to Safranbolu are listed below:
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